And we’re off…
We had our first meeting yesterday and I met a few interesting people. Only ‘a few’ because I only got a chance to briefly talk to a few one on one. I’m sure we will have plenty more opportunities to get to know everyone.
I need to do a very short presentation on my practice for next week’s meeting. As usual, I’m already finding it hard to pare my thoughts down and create a coherent ‘story’.
Do I talk about my work on ‘identity’?
Do I talk about my research on ‘the infrathin’?
Do I talk about my work on ‘layering time’?
Do I talk about my work on ‘alienation’?
Do I talk about my work on ‘Metamodernism’?

Do I talk about my resarch on ‘fandom’?
Do I talk about my experiments with video?
With photography?
What about the stuff that I just do because I want to?
Oh also… the presentation needs to be short. Gah!