Coming Soon
I’m about to start an MA in Fine Art. One of the requirements of the course is to keep a blog. I uhmmed and ahhhed about starting a new one or using my art blog that I’d been keeping throughout my Foundation and BA, but decided that I might as well fire up this old thing again.
Inside the guts of this place I have all of my posts going back to 2002. I took everything offline, after printing it all into a book, and have just kept this as a kind of holding page since then. I have a lot of good memories from my blogging days and thought it would be nice to get back into it here…
This blog will be where I put my thoughts, my research and my work. I will still write my newsletter, though I’m expecting there will be some crossover posts. I may republish things I’ve written before on my BA. I will open up comments and will invite discussion here, unless I get innundated by jerks, which is why I had to close my comments nearly a decade ago.
For my MA I will be focussing on the porous border between the analogue and digital worlds, between reality and fantasy, between irl and teh internets. I am interested in identity construction and identity degradation when traveling or existing between those two states. I have been incorporating narrative into my work and seem to have leaned a bit towards science fiction in the past year (that’s cos I had an amazing tutor at Chelsea whose work focuses on science fiction and he got me all excited about it. He did an awesome book on it, too. Yay, Dan!). I am also very interested in Metamodernism, which may come into my written work moreso than my practical work. I’ve recently been mainly working in time-based media – so video, photography, audio and computer-based technologies. This may change. I don’t know…
OK. That’s enough for now. I’d better add an image so that the site doesn’t look boring. Let’s see… How’s this?